Son Fills Mommy’s Ass – RheaSweet

I have been fantasizing about the last time me and my son were together and touching myself to the memories isn’t enough. I need him again. I can’t stop thinking about his peepee inside me. I love it so much when he cum’s so much for Mommy. I am his Mommy, I know how to please my son the best. Better than any woman will ever be able to. I am doing his future wife a favor by teaching him everything I know about pleasing a woman and how to be pleased. My son will have a very high standard thanks to his Mommy. He was very eager to be inside his mommy again when I suggested the idea. I tell him to cum on Mommy’s tits but honestly I really wanted my son to cum inside of me. I tell my son of my want to have him fill mommy up but he is worried about getting Mommy pregnant. I ask him if he can get hard for Mommy again and if he would like to fill up Mommy’s ass instead. My son instantly gets hard for Mommy again as I start stroking him and talking about him stretching Mommy’s ass. My son gives me another huge load and it starts pouring out of Mommy’s asshole.

Actors: RheaSweet